This page is bringing updates about the Cheapest Electric Car In Pakistan To Be Launched In 2023 Under 20 Lakh. Different automobile companies like regal automobiles, JW motors, Rahmat Group, Karakoram Motors, and many others are now importing electric vehicles into the Pakistani automobile market. Recently in December 2020, two imported cars; MG and DFSK Glory 580 have launched. But these cars are expensive for the 20 lakh price range. And you are also informed that yet there is no company has updated us about the launch of any new electric car under 2 million in Pakistan in 2023.
For the best economical budget 20 lakhs i.e. 2 million is a handsome amount to buy a car in Pakistan. If you are a small businessman and want to have electricity then your budget would be within 20 lakh. Although there is not a big range of electric cars that you can buy in Pakistan in this price range. But still, there are some hybrid cars that are the best alternatives to what you are seeking. This page is written for your better assistance regarding providing you with the cheapest electric car in Pakistan under 2 million. Just keep on reading this article for taking further details which car you can buy.
Cheapest Electric Car In Pakistan To Be Launched In 2023 Under 20 Lakh
Before writing the list of the cheapest electric cars in Pakistan to be launched in 2023 under 20 lakhs. I would like to tell you the major challenges being faced by the Pakistani Electric Vehicle industry. These challenges are repelling the dealers to launch EV in Pakistan. So the very first and the foremost challenge being faced is the shortfall of electricity and the lack of charging infrastructure. Secondly, the common car buyer is also unaware of the benefits of an electric car. Thirdly the people of Pakistan think that the power of an EV is less than that of a combustion engine car. These are some major reasons why electric cars are not yet successful in Pakistan as compared to other worlds.
List of EV Under 20 Lakhs In Pakistan:
- Dynasty IT
- Zoyte Z100
- CROWNE Electric
These are just three or four electric cars available under the 20 lakh price range in Pakistan. Besides these, there are lots of electric cars in Pakistan are available but all these are expensive. Even you can buy a second-hand electric car in a 20 lakhs price range. Otherwise, there is not even a single car that is yet available in this price range.
Dynasty IT:
Karakoram motors of Pakistan have brought Dynasty IT to Pakistan back in 2018. It was the very first cheapest electric car in Pakistan at that time. Due to the lack of awareness of EVs in Pakistan and shortfall of charging points this car was flopped to be sold but now again the company has signed an MOU with China to launch more electric vehicles in Pakistan. Dynasty IT is five doors, front-wheel drive, a battery-powered vehicle that is categorized as a microcar.
Zotye Z100:
Topsun Motors Lahore has launched the Zotye Z100 electric car in Pakistan and it is available in the price range of under 20 lakhs. Well initially this car was launched with the rumor of being an electric car but since the government has singed to launch the electric cars in Pakistan, since that time to now the Topsun Company has brought many other EV in Pakistan which you can visit at their showroom at Jail Road Lahore.
CROWNE Electric Car:
If your budget is just less then to 10 lakhs and you want to buy a China electric car just for the job and within city family purpose then the CROWNE electric car is just available in the price range of RS. 6 lakhs. This is a sub-compact car that is tiny for four persons with no luggage capacity. But still, you can say it is a car because it will carry you to your office with four doors and four wheels.
What Is The Best Alternative for EV?
Well now if you have got the answer to your question about finding the cheapest electric car in Pakistan. While under 2 million, then you must go with its alternative. And that is yet available in the form of hybrid cars. Yes of course! You can go with hybrid cars in Pakistan. And one of the best options for a hybrid car under 20 lakhs in Pakistan is Toyota Aqua 1.5 hybrid car and Honda FIT 1.5 hybrid car. While you can also go in the second-hand electric or a hybrid car. And you are also informed that very soon in coming years we will see the official electric car charging points in Pakistan on motorways and other long roots.
Yet this is the complete information regarding the Cheapest Electric Car In Pakistan To Be Launched In 2023 Under 20 Lakh. We have tried our best to provide you with the most relevant information regarding your research. But if you have any suggestions or queries or comment you must leave a comment below.